Monday, October 6, 2014

Grade 2 Reading On-line

We are still learning about all the various components of our new literacy program.  One of the components we are working on is the on-line parts of Wonders Reading.  Students have been assigned user names and passwords so that they can work on reading skills at their level, on any device, at school or at home.  This is a work in progress, and some classes are further ahead than others.  We will all get there soon.  A letter with more information is coming home Friday!

In the meantime, thought you  might enjoy this little clip of one of Mrs. Woodward's students demonstrating the "simple log in" to her reading page.  Each student is assigned a 3 item log in - a digit, a fruit, and a shape. It's quick and easy!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Awake, Alert, Alive

There are a lot of things we know about teaching and learning.  The trick sometimes is to find those strategies with the highest impact, and try those first.

One thing we know for sure it that if children sit around too much, their energy level drops, their attention wanders, and they don't learn nearly as effectively as they could.  Happily, there is a quick and easy answer - short, high energy movement breaks. I caught Stephanie Woodward's Grade 2 class engaged in a movement break the other day, and went back this morning, to catch it on video.
