Friday, September 25, 2015

School Picture Day, 2015

Mrs. Collins Grade 3 class getting ready for the big photo shoot!
Ah, school picture day!  One of my favorite school days, I love seeing the kids come in dressed for the moment.  These are pictures that will be saved for years, mementos of simpler times when our biggest worries were what was in our lunch box, and who would we play with at recess. 

Thanks to everyone who contributes time and energy to make this day happen!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Harvest Time @ BMS

Many of you see the gardens in the front of our school as you drive past, and you may have wondered what happens to all the produce that is grown between the many gigantic sunflowers. 

Amy Donahoe, Third Grade Teacher, and her many volunteers keep the garden weeded and watered all summer, and the plants and vegetables harvested go to the Berlin Food Pantry. Once students return, we try to use what is grown to enhance our own lunch program.  Here we have cafeteria manager Michelle Baird and Julie Wheeler bringing in some fresh tomatoes and herbs to use in salads.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Never too hot to learn!

Mrs. Woodward's students are hard at work this morning, reviewing vocabulary for this week. With fans whirring and windows open, the kids made the best of this hot September morning.